Best Song Ever One Direction (Best Video Ever)

Best Song Ever, the best video ever!! LOL
Well.. Setiap directioners tau kalo Best Song Ever udah lama keluar, resminya tanggal 22 Juli 2013, 6 pm waktu Inggris (sekitar jam 12 am waktu Indonesia)
Jadi, kenapa baru gue tulis ini sekarang? yahh.. suka-suka gue donk!! hahaaa
Sebenernya sih.. gue cuman mau mengingat kejadian-kejadian yang ada ketika seluruh directioners dunia dihebohkan sama lagu terbaru 1D. Wajar aja, kita kan butuh lagu-lagu baru mereka, setelah tugas kita selesai menghapal semua lagu yang ada di album Take Me Home.

"Apa aja kejadian yang lo ingat ta??"
"Wuih.. banyak banget!! Jangan ditanya.. hahaa xx"

Best song ever (lagi-lagi diulang), pertama kali gue denger lagu ini di official trailer film terbaru mereka yang berjudul This Is Us 1D3D Movie, asli trailer ini beneran bikin gue terharu.. okeh kedengarannya berlebihan, tapi kalo lo emang ada sama fandom ini dari awal, lo pasti tau kenapa gue ngomong begini :)
Setelah nonton trailer, gue langsung nyanyi-nyanyi ngga keruan..

"..and we danced all night to the best song ever.. 
we knew every line now I can't remember..
how it goes but I know that I won't forget her 
cause we danced all night to the best song ever.."

Udah.. cuman itu ajah yang gue tau, tapi gue nyanyiin itu lagu bisa sehari penuh, ampe-ampe semua temen yang dengerin gue nyanyi-nyanyi dikampus pada bosan, hahaaa
Mulai deh, hari-hari berikutnya diisi dengan excitingnya kita para directioners yang ngga sabaran nunggu ampe itu lagu keluar. Beberapa bulan kemudian, tepatnya seminggu sebelum BSE bakal di keluarin secara resmi sama 1D, gue dapet banyak banget link buat download lagu juga lirik dari BSE, dan terus terang aja, hal itu menggoda iman gue sebagai directioners. Tanpa pikir panjang lagi gue unduh MP3 nya..
Ngga tau kenapa ternyata ini malah jadi masalah besar banget diantara seluruh directioners dunia, kenapa? Humm.. Gue juga ngga tau kenapa.. Tapi yang jelas directioners lain yang belum ngunduh kecewa sama yang udah ngunduh dan bilangin pada ngga appreciate sama karya The Boys (panggilan sayang dari directioners  buat 1D). Kalo gue pribadi sih.. ngerasa terlalu berlebihan, apalagi ada yang nge-broadcast segala via BBM ngomongin hal itu (haduh, lebay banget ngga sih -____-")
Setelah tau permasalahan itu, gue tetep simpen lagu BSE di handphone gue, tapi gue ngga dengerin ampe tanggal 22 Juli, ngerasa berdosa aja gitu sama directioners yang lain, jadi gue nunggu hari H untuk dengerin lagu itu bersama directioners yang lain :)
Tanggal 22 Juli pun datang, wuih senengnya ngga ketulungan!! Begadang sama temen-temen directioners yang lain buat nonton video BSE bareng, BBM-an sama temen gue yang di Inggris nanyain "jam berapa sekarang disana?"
Seru gila, ketika temen gue di Inggris bilang "Ini jam 6 tepat" terus langsung dapet link dari akun twitter 1D buat nonton BSE, langsung deh gue buka, dan asli.. gue ngangkak abis nonton plus denger lagunya!! hahahahaa 
Disini mereka meranin peran ganda gitu.. Peran pertama pastinya jadi diri mereka masing-masing..
Peran yang kedua yang gokil..
  • Louis dan Niall berperan jadi "Studio Executive" dengan nama Jonny dan Harvey
  • Harry berperan jadi "Marketing Guy" dengan nama Marcel
  • Liam berperan jadi "Choreographer Guy" dengan nama Leeroy, dan
  • Zayn berperan jadi "Sexy Assistant" dengan nama Veronica. OMG!! Gue shock dan ngangkak abis liat babang gue jadi cewek!! Sumpah dia lebih cantik daripada gue!! hahahaa xx

Jadi.. Sebelum lagunya dimulai, ada cerita terlebih dahulu nih guys!!
Ceritanya dimulai dari Jonny dan Harvey (Louis dan Niall) yang lagi berbincang-bincang :

Jonny   : "So I said to her, "Angelina, I want to! I really want to,"
Harvey  : "But.. What about Brad?"
Jonny   : "Brad's like a son to me."
Harvey  : "You're a good man."
Jonny   : "I know.. I know.."

Kemudian kayak ada bunyi bel gitu, 

Jonny : "Come in.."

Ternyata itu Veronica (Zayn), gue mulai ngangkak.. xx

Veronica : "One Direction here to see you"
Harvey    : "Who??"
Veronica : "One Direction? They're making their new movie? Shall I send them in?"
Jonny     : "Sure!! I love new movies!!"

One Direction masuk kedalam ruangan, okeh gue teriak.. (calm down) hahaha

Harvey : "They're here!! They're real movie stars!!"
Jonny  :  "The biggest band on the planet!!"
Harvey : "Alright, they are! I love the Direction!! Come on in, guys.. Take a seat!!"

One Direction duduk..

Jonny  : "Can I just say what HUGE fans we are of you guys?"
Harvey : "HUGE.. Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry, Zack.." (dipotong sama Zayn)
Zayn    : "It's Zayn"
Harvey : "Sure. Whatever you say, big guy." (HAHAHAHAA)
Jonny  : "We cannot wait for this movie!! It's gonna be the greatest movie of all time!! I'm talking Academy Awards!!"

Veronica masuk bawakin minuman buat The Boys. Harry, Liam, sama Louis heyyy.. pandangannya kemanaaaa.. -___-" Louis malah godain Veronica, jajajajaa xx

Harvey : "Emmys, Masters!!"
Jonny  : "Have you ever seen Forest Gump?"
Harry   : "Sure"
Harvey : "Better than that"
Jonny   : "Have you seen The Hangover?"
Liam     : "Yeah.."
Harvey  : "Funnier than that!!"
Jonny   : "Have you seen Titanic?"
Niall     : "Course"
Harvey : "Sadder than that.." (haha, menyakinkan banget!! :D)
Zayn    : "Sound okay"
Jonny   : "Its better than okay, Zack!! (salah nama woy..) Its award--winning..!!" (assiikk, haha)
Harvey : "We want to introduce you to our marketing guy. Marcel!! Marcel!!

Marcel (Harry) masuk.. (ya ampunn.. culun banget!! hahaha) sambil bawa seabrek-abrek alat presentasi..

Marcel : "Hi"
Harvey : "There he is!! He's gonna run you through some thoughts for the movie."
Marcel : "Really nice to meet you guys. I'm a huge fan. Cute as a button, every single one of you (ini jadi bio Harry di akun twitter-nya :D). First scene, I'm talking massive dance number. I'm thinking a hundred dancers, fireworks, the lot!! Dance is just so hot right now!!"

Jonny dan Harvey bisik-bisik..

Harvey : "Hey, you know I used to be a dancer?"
Jonny  : "Really? What kind??"
Harvey : "Yeh, mainly tap.."
Jonny   : "You've got the shape for that."

Marcel masih ngomong..

Marcel : I want you to meet Leeroy, he's gonna be your choreographer.. Leeroyy.... hmmm.. (haha, ngangkak gue denger suara harry yang terakhir..) Leeroy (Liam) muncul..
Leeroy : "Hi boys.. Hi.." (suaranya khas banget, hahaa xx anak 1D pada bengong) Okay, so here's what I'm thinking.. First open number is gonna be really big. (Leeroy mulai nyanyi sambil jentikin jari and joget-joget ngga jelas, hahaa) Stay with me cause I'm quite quick, and five six seven eight.. One Two Three For Five Six Seven Eight.. and Niall for shimmy, for the shimmy, for the shimmy.. and Zayn (nunjuk ke Zayn) pirouette, and Louis (nunjuk ke Louis) do the splits, and Liam (nunjuk ke Liam), you stay exactly where you are, cause you are PERRR-FECT!! (muji diri sendiri, hahaha)
Louis   : " We never do that"
Leeroy : "Oh!" (Marcel sambil nyengir kuda, bukain pintu buat Leeroy)
Marcel : "So that's something for us to work on. Thanks Leeroy!! (Leeroy keluar, kasiaaannn.. xx) So take a look at some of the styling options for the film. Now, personally, I think that THIS one is the one.. (nunjukin gambar 1D dengan tema ala-ala Backstreet Boys gitu..)
Harry   : "Absolutely NOT.."
Louis   : "We never wear that."
Marcel : "Right.. how about.. THIS one..?!?" (nunjukin gambar 1D denga tema disco)
Liam    : "NO."
Marcel : (yakinin 1D) "It tested really well!!"
Zayn    : "Never.. In a million years.." (gue suka kata-kata ini :)
Marcel : "Tadaa.." (Mulai nunjukin gambar-gambar lain ampe gaya lebe 1D dalam versi boyband K-POP, hih.. ngga banget!! hahaha)



Harry Styles
Maybe it's the way she walked (aww)
Straight into my heart and stole it
Through the doors and past the guards (aww)
Just like she already owned it

Zayn Malik
I said "Can you give it back to me?"
She said "Never in your wildest dreams.."

And we danced all night to the best song ever.. 
We knew every line now I can't remember..
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
And we danced all night to the best song ever
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes... Oh..

Liam Payne
Said her name was Georgia Rose (aww)
And her daddy was a dentist

Harry Styles
Said I had a dirty mouth (Zayn Malik : you got a dirty mouth)
But she kissed me like she meant it

Niall Horan
I said "Can I take you home with me?"
She said "Never in your wildest dreams.."

And we danced all night to the best song ever..
We knew every line now I can't remember..
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
And we danced all night to the best song ever
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes... Oh..

Louis Tomlinson
You know, I know, you know, I'll remember you
And I know, you know, I know, you'll remember me

Zayn Malik
You know, I know, you know, I'll remember you
And I know, you know, I hope you'll remember how we danced
How we danced..

Harry Styles
1.. 2.. 1,2,3..

How we danced all night to the best song ever..
We knew every line now I can't remember..
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
(Harry Styles : We danced, we danced.. It goes something like this.. yeahh..)
We danced all night to the best song ever.. 
We knew every line now I can't remember..
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
And we danced all night to the best song ever
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes... Oh..

Zayn Malik
Best song ever..
It was the best song ever
It was the best song ever
It was the best song ever

Gue baru tidur jam 1 am padahal besoknya gue musti tes TOEFL gitu buat syarat wisuda, hahaa NEKAT emang!! TAPI GUE BENERAN SENENG BANGET!!
Dan, did you know, guys?? Best Song Ever langsung dapet rekor dari VEVO buat pemutaran video paling banyak dalam satu hari released!! Yaitu sekitar 10 juta views dari pengguna YouTube!! Keren banget kan directioners keluarga gue ini??
Best Song Ever ini dibuat 1D khusus buat pada directioners yang ada diseluruh dunia. Intinya itu pas dibagian Louis dan Zayn yang.. 

"You know, I know, you know, I'll remember you
And I know, you know, I know, you'll remember me
You know, I know, you know, I'll remember you
And I know, you know, I hope you'll remember how we danced
How we danced.."

Pas lirik itu, video musiknya ngeliatin perjalanan 1D waktu lagi Take Me Home tour dan kegilaan bareng directioners.. GUE MERINDING dan TERHARU :')
WOW.. this is very BEST VIDEO EVER!!


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